How often do you change your oil in your ZR2?

Jan 19, 2023
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Do you change it at 3K,5K, etc? what type of oil do you use? Thanks!
My first oil change will be at 1000 miles. After that, I plan to do it every 5000 miles like clock work unless someone motivates me to go every 3000. I have always liked Pennzoil Platinum or Ultra Platinum.
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I changed mine at 1000 for any signs of engine issues. Changed again at 5k and plan to change at 10k and every 5 afterward.

Oil brand is a often debated topic. But I personally use M1. In everything with a cylinder besides compressors. As M1 doesn’t make a non-detergent synthetic.
Changed after first 800 miles, went with M1 until about 4000 miles and switched to Amsoil Signature series. Will probably go 5-7 000 between changes now.
Changed mine for the first time with a little over 3600 miles. Amsoil Signature series is what I run and probably will change between 8 and 9K for the rest of the time.
Between 5000-7000km's depending on usage. I had some training at work a couple years ago and the instructor recommended short intervals are more important then ever. 0w20 oil means small passages! To me for the cost of an oil change its cheap insurance. Usually use Pennzoil Platinum or Ultra Platinum with a WIX filter.
My first oil change will be at 1000 miles. After that, I plan to do it every 5000 miles like clock work unless someone motivates me to go every 3000. I have always liked Pennzoil Platinum or Ultra Platinum.
That's exactly my plan! In my experience with previous 5.3 L motors, that leaves about 15 to 20% on oil life guage. We'll see on this 6.2L if it changes.

I run Mobil 1 0 20W Dexos. Can usually get it pretty cheap with Mobil 1 filter at Walmart.
I'm old school hot rod guy from the 60's. I will always do my oil service every 3,000 miles. The first will be next week at 1,000 miles. Oil isn't that expensive, so it's worth it to me to do a shorter interval. I've torn down too many engines with sludge in them. Everyone has a different opinion on this, so it's definitely a personal choice.
First change was at 1,000 miles. Changed yesterday at 3,500 intervals with Amsoil Signature and filter.
I'm old school hot rod guy from the 60's. I will always do my oil service every 3,000 miles. The first will be next week at 1,000 miles. Oil isn't that expensive, so it's worth it to me to do a shorter interval. I've torn down too many engines with sludge in them. Everyone has a different opinion on this, so it's definitely a personal choice.
I hear ya my friend. I do think 3K is a bit extreme. With a high quality full synthetic, you should have zero issues going 5K miles at a minimum. You should have no sludge issues and I am thinking 5K mile intervals should be just right. The ONLY reason I would go to 3K is if someone could provide proof that it would benefit the lifters and prevent failures.
I'm old school hot rod guy from the 60's. I will always do my oil service every 3,000 miles. The first will be next week at 1,000 miles. Oil isn't that expensive, so it's worth it to me to do a shorter interval. I've torn down too many engines with sludge in them. Everyone has a different opinion on this, so it's definitely a personal choice.
For decades, I did this at 2500 miles religiously especially with conventional oils.

After some research and oil analysis on my synthetics, I decided 5000 miles was a good round number. Been doing it that way about a decade. Just traded my wife's Tahoe, which had 90k miles and oil always looked good and cut open several filters and never seen anything concerning.

Like you say, oil and filter are cheap and I love changing the hell out of computer work.
For decades, I did this at 2500 miles religiously especially with conventional oils.

After some research and oil analysis on my synthetics, I decided 5000 miles was a good round number. Been doing it that way about a decade. Just traded my wife's Tahoe, which had 90k miles and oil always looked good and cut open several filters and never seen anything concerning.

Like you say, oil and filter are cheap and I love changing the hell out of computer work.
Yes, 5K seems to be the preferred interval for most people. I like to service my vehicle too. Anymore, it's about all I do.
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First change at 1k with either M1 or Amsoil. Then again at 5k and every 5k after that. They claim newer synthetics are good for up to 10k. Not going there.
Unless you off-road a lot, in a dry dusty environment (Arizona), or do a lot of short trips where the oil can't burn off moisture, I would think 5k is good. Until someone or something tells me otherwise.
GM LS/LT motors with an AC Delco PF63 filter are good for between 6k and 8k miles. You can run longer if you really want to, but I would suggest you perform a UOA on your oil and see where it is. Note where your oil viscosity is and what the TBN is. I prefer to run M1 EP that says the oil is good for 20k miles, but the regular AC Delco filter may be done in about half of that.

Oil changes in our Silverado ZR2's is easy as pie so you really don't need to try and extend your intervals. Oil is cheap and you can get two 5qt jugs of M1 shipped free to your door from Walmart or Amazon. You don't need a lift or even a jack to get underneath and do what you need; the oil filter and the drain plug are right there, you just have to catch the oil. Literally could not be easier.

Unlike with my wife's Raptor EcoBoost motor in her Navigator, the piston rings there apparently allow just enough fuel to get into the oil and between that and the two turbos, a good Ford mechanic will tell you not to push 5k to 6k mile OCI's on that motor.
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Did my first one at just under 1K miles. Next one will be at 5K miles, and then every 5k from then on.
The manual seems to lean toward 7500 miles, or when the oil life indicator alerts you.

It seems like I’ve changed oil at various intervals over time. I was once a 3,000 mile guy and a 5,000 mile guy and now I lean more towards 7,000 miles. I kinda feel like the push for changing engine oil every 3,000 miles became popular about the time the instant oil change places popped up everywhere. I also think it was a better practice when a motor lasted 80,000-100,000 miles In the pinnacle of American auto manufacturing (70’s,😁). A lot has changed with manufacturing quality, engine materials and oils. And now, we even have onboard analysis systems that calculate when the oil should be changed based on driving habits and other variables.
I haven’t done my first oil change on the ZR2, but I will likely change it between 3-5k and then lean toward conserving a little more oil and following the onboard system oil life recommendation or ~7,000 miles. I guess each needs to do what makes us feel best.
I changed mine the first 1000 miles. Again around 4000 miles. Again at 8000 miles. I plan on around 4500 - 5000 miles regularly. However my first two oil changes I used Mobile 1 Truck and Suv and a wix filter. My last oil change I used AC Delco oil and filter. My mpg went up about 2 with AC Delco oil. Very interesting.