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Throttle Controllers


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2023
Reaction score
North Florida
Has anyone installed a throttle controller in their truck? Curious as to what you used and your experience. I have used a Pedal Commander and Banks Pedal Monster in the past without issue. There is also the Sprint Booster and a ton of foreign crap on Amazon. I do like the latest Ultimate9 evcX products made in Australia. Anyone running something they think is the bomb? Thanks guys!
What type of difference do you notice and what settings do you have it on?
It mostly gets rid of the delay which I found quite annoying. After playing around, I settled on the 2nd highest setting then setting 4 or 5 within that main setting. I haven't looked at it in months so going off memory. My first pedal commander and I would definitely purchase again. Waiting for the Pulsar but no ETA so going to be a while, if at all.
I am looking at this one to try out...anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!

I am looking at this one to try out...anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!

Looks to be about same price, same settings, features just different shell.
Looks to be about same price, same settings, features just different shell.
It has several features the PC does not have. I have had a PC in my last three trucks...want to try something newer and different with excellent reviews.

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