Trailer Brake Failure

Propofol Boy

New member
Oct 26, 2022
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I hooked my snowmobile trailer up to my new ZR 2 for the first time and was immediately greeted with service trailer brake system ! Trailer had lights but NO electric trailer brakes. Took truck to dealer and was told no fix and GM was working on it. Upon further research this is a known issue!!! So I now have a a new truck with 500 miles that I cannot tow with!!! Fantastic!!!! Frustrated to say the least that GM is knowingly selling trucks that have this issue!!!
So unfortunately this seems to be a toss up. It's a known issue and for some there seems to be no fix.. I had this problem months ago when I was at about 900 miles. Dealer replaced the switch on the dash and mine has worked ever since. I'm at 6k miles now. I have a few different trailers with brakes and they all work. So I'm not sure why that solves the problem for some, but not others. Also seems like some never have the problem at all.

FYIW this is the part that fixed my problem. Maybe see if your dealer will atleast give it a try and see if it solves your issue.
Thank you, I will forward this to my dealer.
Np hopefully that's fixes it. I wasn't happy when mine didn't work and like an idiot I hoisted up my trailer and redid all the wiring. Because the trailer dealer had just retro fitted brakes on one of the axles. It was a newer trailer. I assumed they screwed up. Instead of just going to my office and trying different trailer lol.

My brakes would work if I used the brake controller on the dash, but as soon as I held my brake pedal down for more then a second or two I'd get the disabled message. If I turned the truck off and back on they would reset. Maybe test yours to see if yours is the same way. If it is, I'd diffenitly push them to change that same part.
I hooked my snowmobile trailer up to my new ZR 2 for the first time and was immediately greeted with service trailer brake system ! Trailer had lights but NO electric trailer brakes. Took truck to dealer and was told no fix and GM was working on it. Upon further research this is a known issue!!! So I now have a a new truck with 500 miles that I cannot tow with!!! Fantastic!!!! Frustrated to say the least that GM is knowingly selling trucks that have this issue!!!
I tow two different trailers often. One w/brakes, one without. I get the same message when I hookup the no brakes trailer. I click the dismiss button and go on my way w/no issues. Guess I don't understand why you are not able to do the same.
I can dismiss, however I still do not have my electrical brakes working in trailer! Hauling 5 sleds in a 27 ft trailer with no brakes other than the trucks is a hard no go.
I can dismiss, however I still do not have my electrical brakes working in trailer! Hauling 5 sleds in a 27 ft trailer with no brakes other than the trucks is a hard no go.
Gotcha. I miss interrupted that your trailer has no brakes as in not equipped w/electric brakes but you get the error message. I am at 10K with lots of towing and varied driving conditions. A couple days ago was climbing (10-20 mph) up a narrow (single "lane") inclined snow/icey mountain road (gravel) towing a trailer and it kicked out of 4 low (has occurred before), stopping progress and unable to move an inch forward (only sliding backwards) after re engaging 4x4.. Luckily had a set of chains and was able to continue or would have had a long and puckering reverse. Love the truck but also have some issues that need addressed (scheduled service).
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